The Digital Index of Middle English Verse
DIMEV 4603
IMEV 2905
NIMEV 2905
Saint George the holy man as we findeth I-write
Life of St. George in the South English Legendary — couplets
Note: For a variant see 4602.
Title(s): South English Legendary
Subjects: saints’ lives; George, saint, life of
Versification: — two-line — aa

Manuscript Witnesses:
1.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Addit. C.38 (SC 30236), f. 103
2.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Ashmole 43 (SC 6924), ff. 59-60v
First Lines:
SEyn Iorge þe holi mon as we fyndeþ iwrite
In þe lond of capadoce ibore was & biȝitte…
Last Lines:
…þer he is in grete Ioie þat last wiþþouten ende
Nou god uor þe loue of him ous let alle þuder wende
Attributed Title: syn Iorge (f. 59)
3.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Bodley 779 (SC 2567), ff. 142-143
First Lines:
Seint iorge þe holyman as we fyndeȝ I wryte
In þe lond of capadocye I bore he was & by ȝete…
Last Lines:
…& þere he is in gret ioye þat last wit outen ende
& god for þe loue of sent iorge vs lete alle þedir wende
Attributed Title: Seint iorge þe marter (f. 142)
4.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Eng. poet. a.1 (SC 3938) [Vernon MS], f. 28ra-28rb
First Lines:
SEint George þe holi Mon as we fyndeþ i write
In þe Lond of Capadose i boren he was and bi ȝite…
Last Lines:
…Þer he is in gret Ioye þat lasteþ wiþ outen ende
Now God for seynt George loue vs leeue þider wende. Amen.
Doyle, I. A., ed. The Vernon Manuscript. A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Eng. poet.a.1, with an introduction by A. I. Doyle. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1987.
Scase, Wendy, and Nick Kennedy, eds. A facsimile edition of the Vernon manuscript: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. Poet. A. 1. Oxford: The Bodleian Library, 2011.
5.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud misc. 108 (SC 1486), ff. 130-131
First Lines:
SEint George þe holie man ase we findeȝ i write
In þe londe of Cappadoce he was i bore and bi ȝite…
Last Lines:
…Þare he is in grete Ioye þat last with outen ende
Nov god for seint Georges loue late ore soule þudere wende
Horstmann, Carl, ed. The Early South-English Legendary. EETS o.s. 87 (1887; repr. 1987): 294-6.
6.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Laud misc. 463 (SC 1596), ff. 41va-42rb
First Lines:
SEint George þe holi man as we finde write
In þe lond of Capadoce y bore was & riȝite…
Last Lines:
…þere he is in gret Ioye þat lasteþ wiþ outen ende
Nou god for sent George loue vs lete alle þider wende
Note: Two columns per page, one full-line, the other half-line.
7.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawlinson poet. 225 (SC 14716), ff. 105ra-116v
First Lines:
A þou tretour sayd dacyan
Wilt þou al way take on so…
Last Lines:
…Whan dacian sey þis don y wis
His wittes were nyȝk hym be nome
Note: Fragments.
8.Source: Oxford, Bodleian Library Tanner 17 (SC 9837), ff. 91v-92v
First Lines:
SEint George þe holi man as we fynde write
In þe lond of capadoce I bore he was & be ȝite…
Last Lines:
…þere he is in gret ioye þat lasteþ euere wiþ outen ende
Gor for seint georges loue lete vs alle þidir wende
9.Source: Oxford, Trinity College 57, ff. 32-33
First Lines:
Seint George þe holy man as we fyndeþ y write
In þe lond of Cappodoce y bore was & by ȝyte…
Last Lines:
…þere he ys in gret ioye þat lasteþ withoute ende
Now god for seint Georgis sone vs lete alle þuþer wende
Attributed Title: Vita sancti Georgii (rubric marginal heading by scribe, f. 32); Georgius (RT)
10.Source: Cambridge UK, Corpus Christi College 145, ff. 59-60
First Lines:
Sein Gorge þe holy man as we vindeþ iwrite
In þe lond of capadose ybore was and bi ȝute…
Last Lines:
…þer he is in grete ioye þat last wiþ oute ende
Nou god for sein Gorges loue us lete al þuder wende
D’Evelyn, Charlotte, and A. J. Mill, eds. The South English Legendary: Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS. 145 and British Museum MS. Harley 2277, with variants from Bodley MS. Ashmole 43 and British Museum MS. Cotton Julius D.ix. EETS o.s. 235 (1959), 236 (1956); repr. 1967: 1.155-9.
Whatley, Gordon E., ed. Saints’ Lives in Middle English Collections. With Anne B. Thompson and Robert K. Upchurch. MI: Western Michigan University for TEAMS, 2004.
11.Source: Cambridge UK, King’s College 13, Part II, ff. 43-44v
First Lines:
SEint George þe holi man as we findeþ of him y write
In þe lond of Capadoce y bore was and bi ȝute…
Last Lines:
…Þer he his in gret ioie þat lasteþ wiþ oute ende
Now god for seint Georges loue lede vs alle þider wende
12.Source: Cambridge UK, Magdalene College Pepys 2344, pp. 258-260
First Lines:
Seint George þe holy man as we ffyndeþ of him ywrite
In þe lond of Capadoce ybore was and byȝite…
Last Lines:
…Þer he is in gret ioye þat lasteþ wiþouten ende
Now god ffor Seint Georges loue lete vs alle þider wende
13.Source: Cambridge UK, Trinity College R.3.25 (605), ff. 60v-61
First Lines:
SEint george þe holy man as we fynden y wrote
In þe londe of capadoce i bore was & by ȝute…
Last Lines:
…Þer he is in grete Ioye þat lasteþ with oute ende
God for þe loue of hym ous lete þuder wende
Attributed Title: George (RT)
14.Source: London, British Library Addit. 10301, ff. 70v-71v
First Lines:
SEin george þe holy man as we vindeþ y write
In þe lond of capadose y bore was & by ȝute…
Last Lines:
…Þer he is in grete Ioye þat last wiþ outen ende
Nou god for sein Iorges loue vs lete al þuder wende
Attributed Title: De sancto georgio (f. 70v, by scribe in margin beside first line); georgio (RT)
15.Source: London, British Library Cotton Julius D.IX, ff. 63-64
First Lines:
SEint george þe holiman as we findeþ ywrite
In þe lond of capadoce ibore was & biȝite…
Last Lines:
…þer he is in gret ioie þat lasteþ withouten enþe
nou god for seint georges loue ous late al þeþer wende
Note: Capitulum xxxii” added to right margin by later hand (f. 63).
Digital Facsimile of British Library Cotton Julius MS D IX.
16.Source: London, British Library Egerton 1993, ff. 141-142
First Lines:
Seint George þe holi mon as we findeþ iwrite
In þe lond of capadoce ibore was & biȝite…
Last Lines:
…Þer he is in grete ioie þat last wiþ outen ende
God for georges loue vs lete þider wende
Note: Ends “Amen” (f. 142).
17.Source: London, British Library Egerton 2810 [olim Allan of Darlington], ff. 53-54
First Lines:
SEint george þe holiman as we vindiþ ywrite
In ve londe of capadoce hij bore he was & byȝete…
Last Lines:
…;þere he is in gret ioye þat lestiþ wyþoute ende
Nou god for þe loue of him ous lete alle þidir wende
Note: Ends “Amen.”
18.Source: London, British Library Egerton 2891, ff. 68v-70
First Lines:
SEin George þe holie man as we findeþ iwrite
In þe lond of capadose Ibore was and bi ȝute…
Last Lines:
…þare he is in gret ioieþat last wiþ oute ende
Nou god for sein georges loue us lete alle þuder wende
Attributed Title: De sancto Georgio (rubric in margin, f. 68v)
19.Source: London, British Library Harley 2277, ff. 33v-34v
First Lines:
SEint George þe holi man as we fyndeþ iwrite
In þe londe of Capadoce ibore was & biȝitte…
Last Lines:
…þer he is wiþ grete ioye þat euermo ilesteþ wiþouten ende
Nou god for þe loue of Seint George ous lete þider wende
Note: In penultimate line “euermo” written and expunged after “ilesteþ”; ends “amen.”
Digital Facsimile of British Library Harley MS 2277.
20.Source: London, Lambeth Palace Library 223, ff. 94-95v
First Lines:
SAynt George þe holy knyȝt þat regned here bifore
In þe lond of Capadoce was þat gode mon born…
Last Lines:
…And þere he lenges euer in ioye þat lestes withouten ende
God for saynt Georges love þou graunte vs þider to wende Amen
Attributed Title: Saynt George (RT)
21.Source: New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, Takamiya Deposit 54 [olim Weld, sold Sotheby’s, lot 57, June 24, 1980], ff. 72-73
First Lines:
Seynt George þe holy man as we finde iwrite
In þe londe of Capadoce ibore was & biȝete…
Last Lines:
…Ther is in gret Ioye þat lasteth wiþout ende
Now god for þe loue of hym lat vs all þidere wende. Amen.
Digital Facsimile of Yale, Beinecke Library, Takamiya MS 54.